Какво мислите се е случило с медицинските сестри в Либия ?

Преди време пуснах една статия с подобен въпрос, но тя не изобилстваше от отговори. Сега попаднах на по подробна тема и смятам да я споделя с вас. Днешният въпрос е: "Какво мислите се е случило с българските медицински сестри в Либия, които бяха обвинени несправедливо?Отговорите може да видите по-долу в статията.

Въпросът - What do u think should happen to the 5 bulgarian nurses in libya that injected chidren with HIV?
Описание: ( 5 bulgarian nurses and a palistinian doctor deliberately injected 426 children with HIV in libya what do u think should they be sentanced to death. andrew T. what ur saying is wrong whats islam got to do with this nothing ,ok and secondly their not innocent how r they innocent when they injected 400 and more chidren and pregnent mothers.and its has nothing to do with how the libyan system works. )

Отговор : I most definitely believe they have done it! They should be hanged because the nurses didn't even check or correct or prevent the Doctor from doing such a heinous crime. Medicine and human Life has to be treated with more respect, even if it may seem like the nurse is doing Charity work! When you work without dedication, these kind of mishaps will take place and claiming innocence later will not help the lost lives. Only the dead children's parents will know the anguish.
The Movie ""Constant Gardner"" is based on this kind of a real life example.........
Lots of African and Indian states are targeted for these kind of medical testings......by European pharmaceutical companies!
As long as there are corrupt Officials in this world, these kind of Incidents will happen......
And the perpetrators..... will always claim ignorance and get away with it....
Too many Doctors and nurses I've come across, take up the profession for the paycheck......its Sad...... its great that someone belives that there not innocent coz all evidence show that its them

Отговор : they should be put in prison for life

Отговор : Jesus - I am off to Bulgaria on Hols ... I hope I dont need medical help... Exterminate them...

Отговор : could people really have done that????

Отговор : Nope! Make the punishment fit the crime. Inject them with the same serum

Отговор : i think they should have the same done to them but dont give them treatment. then the they will suffer like those poor kids

Отговор : They should be tortured then hung drawn and quartered.

Отговор : they should be given hiv and no drugs to control it

Отговор : Eye for an eye... same idea. Inject them with HIV and refuse them treatment for it.

Отговор : a damn good kickin, then inject them with it and brand child abuser on their forehead so everyone knows they are scum for the rest of their miserable little lives.

Отговор : Everybit of evidence shows that these nurses are innocent.
It is totally outrageous that they have been held for all these years when they are clearly innocent.
This could only happen in an Islamic country where the people have such scant regard for the truth and possess such outrageous cruelty..but of course we know why the "victims" are muslims and the Nurses are "infidel"
This is another case where the Islamic world should be ashasmed of itself..Unfortunately the Arab mentality is so stubborn and arrogant this shameful episode is set to continue.
How can you ask such a question??

Отговор : Give them the lethal injection - they shouldn't be allowed to live - I know I can't play God and decide who deserves to live or die - but jesus there are so many sick people who commit such horrific crimes - and to children too. My opinion only I know but I really feel they shouldn't have the right to live.

Отговор : no they should be infected with hiv, aids and let them die a cold death, how dare they evil. on innocent children not fair at all

Отговор : They should be if that is what the maximum penalty is. After all, to directly infect someone with HIV is tantamount to murder. Those poor children and what a horrible thing for the so-called "caring" profession to do!!!!

Отговор : They hadn't done this? Infection is caused from poor conditions in libyan hospitals. Libyan justice system is unfair and biased. There is no evidences that nurses have done it. Libyan autorities had tortured bulgarian nurses. I understand families of all infected children but why don't you improve your health system instead of seeking scape goats?NURSES HAVE BEEN IN PRISON FOR YEARS WITHOUT SENTENCE. BULGARIAN MEDICS ARE INNOCENT!!!!!!!!

Отговор : This isn't an easy question... IF they did it, then I think they should spend the rest of their lives in prison. I don't really believe in "an eye for an eye", but I do realize that it might be different if it were my children...
I also believe in "innocent until proven guilty", but in Libya, I don't think they will have a chance of proving anything...

Отговор : inject them, put them in prison and watch them suffer a slow and painful death!

Отговор : well would say they should be injected with it too but no one deserves that - put them on a little deserted island with a couple of goats n some basic shelter, seeds etc. n leave them to it - that's what my nana would say anyway! did ya hear they're thinkin of using old oil rigs as prisons btw! xxx

Отговор : The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is difficult to pass from person to person. It is not very infectious and is almost impossible to get through normal social interaction.

Отговор : First it has not been proven that they injected the children knowingly with the virus
Secondly with Gaddafi running the show in that country only his will be done & he is playing it for what its worth, in those countries everything gets decided & approved by the great ruler, just like he allowes his shore to be used to annoy the west/christian countries by permitting boat people to sail for Malta/Italy
Blair was very wrong in co towing to the dictator in Tripoli
The nurses have gone trugh hell & back & should be released immediately & compensated for their ordeal

Отговор : I don't think they did it - why would nurses or doctors inject someone with something to kill them? They take an oath to help people, why on earth would they want to kill anyone? Seems very illogical and unfair to me. They are scapegoats.

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1 коментара:

Последните новини

21 юни 2009 г. в 8:11

Ако някой мисли че те бяха осем години в затвора то това е ЛЪЖА. Мога само да ви кажа че в Либия проституцията я няма защото има нравствена полиция, но проституцията я има в сенчестия бизнес.Това че има бълг- арски сестри за тях беше развитие в този бранш, също алкохола е забранен но ние българите сме и в този бранш. Това ви го казвам защото лично в Бе- нгази бях и то в едно каре с такива като тях като специалист. Единствено лежаха в Джудейда пет лекари българи и то 1989-90г. защото стачкуваха и забележете за увеличение на заплатите от българската страна, българс- ката страна даваше тогава на медексима едва 18% останалите бяха за храна на дипломатите. Така че някой от журналистите си направиха сла- ва и пари а други който ходиха от наши те министри обраха каймака това е от нашия гръб, така че още повече забогатяха. Паси да не се прави на света вода ненапита той също най много взе.Единствено Иван Костов беше човека който каза „-ами ако са ВИНОВНИ” той каза истината но никой не го послуша. Може за мене да не е политик голям, но дори и баба Ванга така не е познавала като него. Всичките са виновни и трябваше да лежат там в Джудейда а не прости ми българино.и ги направихте милионери от собс-тения ни джоб.Вие направихте едни проститутки милионери но АРАБИТЕ няма да ни прустът защото при тях съществува един „АЛАХ” който посяга да вземе нещо от тях с мошеничество, забележете само там е забранена проституцията и алкохола „АЛАХ” си отмъщава затова ни се сърдете ако някой ден Ирак ни изпрати някоя ракета. Навярно ще кажете какво има ние от Либия взехме а Ирак ще ни изпраща.Ще ви кажа защото тогава бях там в Либия през1990г. когато беше пустиня буря Либия изпрати много войска да помага и всички който отиваха на война минаваха през Бенгази и се проверяваха за СПИН а тогава нашите сестри като взимаха проби от тях прибираха спринцовките и ходеха да бият на арабите инжекции който са болни и по този начин арабите им плащаха като араби.Това за да ви го казвам имам пълно доказателство защото политически ме отзоваха българите и то държавна сигурност.Всичко го имам документирано така че тези журналисти и арабисти само натрупаха пари. Ако иска някой да разбере из стената, то да се обърне към тези който направи милионери. ПРОСТИМИ БЪЛГАРИНО ЦЯЛ ЖИВОТ ВЯРВАШ НА МУШЕНИЦИ И ОБЕРДЖИ ИДВАТ ИЗБОРИ ПОВЯРВАЙ НА МУТРИТЕ И КОМУНИСТИТЕ И ТОГАВА ЩЕ СИ НАИ ГОЛЕМИЯ ГЛУПАК ВЕЧЕ. Не вярвайте на Бойко с неговите мутри нито на БСП-ДСП-СДС за изборите само Яне от РЗС може да управи двайсет годишното ограбване, ако не стане това само гражданска война вече ще ни оправи и тогава аз ще бъда първия който ще ви кажа кой за стената