България по-богата ли е от Сърбия?

Естествено, че ние сме по-богати от сърбите, та нали всичко откраднато си седи в България, тонове наркотици минават през нас като транзит, но обратно на това се застояват трайно! Когато спрът да ни дигат цигарите и алкохола, увеличат заплатите и дадът на българина работа, ей тогава ще кажа че сме богата държава. Сега сме бедни материално и морално!

Въпросът - Is Bulgaria as a member of the EU richer than Serbia?
Описание: (
Most of the serbs think, their country Serbia is richer than Bulgaria. but I think, the investitions in Bulgaria are ten times more than in Serbia, and not only this. Let me know what is richer generally. Thank you! )

Отговор : Maybe the investments are bigger in Bulgaria right now but I visited it twice in last few months and it doesn't look any richer than Serbia. Belgrade is five times bigger (and better) metropolis than Sofia. Salaries are smaller in Bulgaria than in Serbia and their roads and cities look really depressive. From economical point of view I think Serbia is more ready for EU than Bulgaria.

Отговор : Bulgaria.

Отговор : I think Bulgaria, it has a MUCH better tourist trade.
the stain of all the civil wars is only really just starting to leave Serbia in the world's eyes, but Croatia has gone on to become a very popular tourist destination so perhaps there is hope in the future for them.
but on the whole Bulgaria is seen as a much more desirable place, you get not only tourists but a lot of Western European expats coming to Bulgaria to start businesses in the hospitality industry and I really can't see that happening in Serbia just yet.

Отговор : After winning the City of the Future for South-East Central Europe, the Serbian capital has won the second round of this prestigious competition. The award was presented to the mayor of Belgrade Mr. Nenad Bogdanović.
Financial Times has organized European cities and regions of the future for 2006/07 and, after winning the second round, Belgrade was awarded the name City of the future in Southern Europe. SIEPA, together with the USAID’s project – SEDP has nominated Belgrade for this award. The region of Southern Europe, where Belgrade is the City of the future, includes Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Turkey and Mediterranean islands (Cyprus, Malta, Sicily, Crete, etc.).
The awards were also given to London (City of the Future in Northern Europe), Paris (City of the Future in Western Europe), Brno (City of the Future in Central Europe), and Baku (City of the Future in Eastern Europe). These five cities are competing for the final award of being named the European city of the future for 2006/07.
The competition for city and regions of the future is given on all continents and is organized by the specialized edition of the Financial Times for foreign and direct investments, FDI Magazine. The title carries a recommendation for the biggest future investment location, by the most recognized financial newspaper in the world. Categories and criteria by which the judges have made their decision are based on economic potential, cost effectiveness, human resources, IT and telecommunications, transport, quality of life and FDI promotion. The final winner of the "European city of the future for 2006/07" contest is London.

Отговор : I would say Bulgaria. Frankly speaking, Yugoslavia was a prospering country , so the capital of nowadays Serbia Belgrade was a rich place with a lots of investments coming in. but after the war the country suffered a lot and hasn't recovered yet. So judging by my experience visiting both, i would say Bulgaria is richer by far.

Отговор : Without any long motivations I say Bulgaria ( and I have to correct my mistake, Bulgaria IS a member of EU, sorry). Bulgaria is already quite a good country for tourists to visit.

Отговор : Bulgaria all out because I invested $5,000 USD in Bulgaria in an property and if i sell it now i will get $85,000 USD yea and i bought it 3 years ago. Proof. and a friend of mine that bought property in Serbia bought it 4 years ago and has gained $5,000 USD and bought it for $15,000 USD

Отговор : If Belgrade pretends to be richer than Sofia, it should build at least a metro system and many other things that Sofia has got them. I think, every city has its beauty, but Belgrade needs to eat more bread until it reaches Sofia. Greetings from Italy. I've been in Bulgaria five times, and the coast, the buildings and nice nature, I don't think, Serbia will have them one day. Serbia needs to keep its geografy, not fighting with Bulgaria.....

Отговор : Bulgarian people are much poorer than Serbs.

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Подобрява ли се българската демография?

България, както добре знаем страда от намаляване броя на младото и нарастване броя на застаряващото население. Докато през 1990 сме били приблизително 8,5 милиона сега сме към 7. Това ни довежда на мисълта, че масово българското население се изнася в чужбина, я по работа, я по любов :) та скоро в милата ни родина няма да останат и бездомните кучета, поне в столицата ни ще е чистичко.. :) не е шега работа.. топим се, топим се и накрая ще изчезнем! Нека да видим какво мислят чужденците по въпроса, въпреки че изобщо не ги интересува, но..

Въпросът - Bulgaria's Population Improving?
Описание: (
Is the population of Bulgaria going to improve since from 1990 was 9,000,000 million and now is around 7 million.Are there any sources that tell that bulgaria's population is going to improve? )

Отговор : Birth rate is very low and the population is old thats why we are decreasing in number. We are in demographic crisis :( i dont think there will be improvement soon.

Отговор : Decrease will probably slow down because of accession to EU, but the trend might not reverse.

Отговор : The population in Bulgaria is in decline, this is not due to a low birth rate but rather high level of immigration to elsewhere in Europe.
The main age group to immigrate are those of 21-30 years in age due to better working prospects elsewhere.
The trend will probably not alter in the near future, in fact the population decline may increase due to accession to the European Union.

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