Дали някой си мисли, че сме от тези страни, които раждат терористи самоубийци или сме фанатици, които убиват в името на религията си или някаква висша цел! Нека видим, какво мислят хората за нас и дали знаят истината.
Въпросът - Is Bulgaria a terrorist country ?
Описание: ( Do you have any information of a bulgarian terrorists ever ? As far as I know Bulgaria is with the UN and the USA , and even they sent troops in Iraq and gave some casualties there. )
Отговор : Terrorists in Bulgria? YOU'VE GOT TO BE JOKING! No one has EVER heard about terrorists in Bulgaria here. And I hope that here we'll never have terrorists!
Отговор : I'm pretty sure that some of the militant ppl that fled the Serbia and Croatia deal in the 90's have found a home near by Bulgaria....
Отговор : Don't be so sure dear.
Отговор : NOOOOOO! It's most certainly Not. I have been there & it's similar to Greece & other neighbnoring mediteranean contries. Sen. McCain has a house & many investments there. US is even moving us Troop base out of Germany over to BG who is an ally. Such a good ally as you seem to know that they lost people who were murdered by terrorists in Iraq. They threatened BG & said withdraw your troops that you are helping US or we'll execute & BG said No they could not & lost many innocent people.
Отговор : N-O. I am from Bulgaria and I can tell you it is certainly NOT a 'terrorist country'.
Отговор : OK Boris from Bulgaria,Targovishte here.NO.There have never been any Bulgarian terrorists!
Отговор : Of course not! In fact people here are very goor-natured and friendly!
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