И ние това се питаме всеки ден: "Какво не и е наред с държавата ни?". Имаме толкова неуписуемо красива природа, хубави гостоприемни хора и готин климат. Какво не и харесват хората на държавата ни и защо са негативно настроени към нея..? Сега да видим отговорите на тези въпроси по-долу..
Въпросът - What is wrong with bulgaria?
Описание: ( Im born in bulgaria and when i was 6 i went to live in canada. now i returned back to bulgaria. It seems awesome and not so diffirent from canada. why are people so negative about bulgaria? its not that poor. )
Отговор : Buts its in eastern europe...meaning its inferior to the rest of europe...dont you keep up to date with european affairs??
Отговор : I guess you would of had to have been raised there to answer your question. Or research it.
Отговор : I have never been there, but I have never been negative about or said anything negative about bulgaria, nor have i heard anything negative said about bulgaria. In fact, i haven't even ever really heard very much about bulgaria. Whether that is good or bad i don't know.
Отговор : Someone that I work with has been holidaying there for about five or six tears now, he finds the Bulgarians very friendly and enjoys the whole experience. I think most of what people in the UK think is wrong with Bulgaria is more to do with the inability of our press to say anything constructive about any other country in Europe.
Отговор : Bulgaria is a wonderful country, with fantastic people. I saved for years to buy a modest holiday home there, and go whenever I can.
However, this is not the same as saying that it is not a poor country. Years of mismanagement by the soviets of an already weak economy have left Bulgaria struggling. The EEC has contributed substantially to assist improving infrastructure, such as roads, but any rural journey shows that many of these friendly and welcoming people are struggling with grinding poverty.
Does this mean there is something "wrong" with Bulgaria? Not in my opinion. They are trying their best. It's just that they could do with some help.
Отговор : Well I am Bulgarian living in Canada also,not as long as you but 7 years.I will give you an example with what is wrong with Bulgaria.My father die last year from cancer,after he died people discovered that the cancer medication was deluded,nobody was held responsible for that.My mother lives there and after 27 years working she receives $70 leva pension.IMPOSSIBLE to survive on.If I don't send her money she will be homeless.
There is no shelters,no social programs,domestic violence is ignored by police,there is a lot of corruption.Bulgaria is nice only if you have your own business or if you visit with money.If you have to work for somebody you are screwed.
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