Хмм.. учудих се, че има хора, които все пак знаят какво е направила държавата ни за еврейския народ през Втората световна война! Учуди ме също и това, че самите чужденци знаят, че на децата им не се преподава цялата истина за историята, а също съм много радостен, че те са против това ограничаване в знанията! Четете по-надолу и ще разберете за какво говоря. Благодаря за вниманието!
Въпросът - Why did Bulgaria's Jewish population survive WW2?
Описание - ( The Jewish populations of only 3 European countries survived the war intact, including Bulgaria's. This is despite Bulgaria being an Axis power. I know that when Hitler restored Bulgarian land lost during WW1, the czar (Boris III?) caved to demands that he deport the Jewish populations there. When the Nazis demanded the deportation of Bulgarian Jews the czar signed the papers but recinded partly due to a Christian mystic (maybe) and partly due to the fact that the deportation was highly unpopular. My question is: why, when almost every other country in Europe deported their Jews (sometimes happily), was it such an unpopular decision in Bulgaria? )
Отговор : Great question!
Here is a useful link that give the answer better than I can in a small space. The Danes have a similar story to tell, by the way--spearheaded by the ruling monarchs of the time. ( http://www.omda.bg/ENGL/history/jewshist.htm )
Отговор : You'll have to do some research in history. Most of the people on this board are brainwashed young dumbsters, who don't even think that a holocaust existed. They don't even know where the states are on a map, if they can even locate the U.S. at all.
Отговор : Helping my son with a School Project (History Of WWII)-- I was completely dumbfounded at the information I was finding on WWII.
**We never studied in school what I found on the Internet***
After completing and submitting the Project, It was rejected by the school due to the detail of how horrific this all was.
If the educators do not teach the whole truth, how are we to learn from our past.
Thank you for your question. I will read farther into Bulgaria.
Sorry I could not answer your question, but now you know why.
Отговор : Funny to come upon this question, I am going to Bulgaria in two days.
The reason Bulgaria's Jews survived the war is because the Jews were supported by the population. The government did not want to make any waves so they made a deal with the Germans, they would hand over the Jews from the lands they occupied in Macedonia and Greece in the amount that was equal to their Jewish population. They were about 11,000 people short, so they had to deport 11,000 of their own Jews to make the number what they said it would be. Another part of the deal they made with the Germans was that they would imprison the rest of their Jews in camps. This was done, but after the war they were released. This is how the Jews of Bulgaria were largely saved from the Holocaust.
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