Какво мислите за българските медици от Либия?

Все пак това, което виждам в отговорите на чужденците ме зарадва до някъде! Искам да кажа, че всички обвиняват лошата хигиена в болницата за инцидента и не поставят под съмнение невинно обвинените ни съграждани. Жалко, жалко е че лежаха толкова много години в затвора в Либия без да са били виновни за нищо. И срамота, че трябваше Франция да им помогне, а не родината ни.

Въпросът - What do you think about the case with bulgarian medics in Libya?
Описание - (
I want to see your personal opinion. )

Отговор : I live in Bulgaria so I do know a little about this case. They were accused of killing hundreds of children by giving them the aids virus. This was to cover up the terrible conditions of their dirty hospitals. They have now all been released and are safely back in Bulgaria after spending years on death row in Libya.

Отговор : Micheal is right. Unfortunately, many countries in the world lack the knowledge, training and supplies to properly care for their people. Many innocent people in Africa were infected because the 'hospitals' had to re-use syringes and didn't have proper sterilization equipment. This went on for 10 + years and now look at the HIV rate in African countries, while they try to blame prostitution, many were infected getting immunizations and by having blood drawn, etc, etc. It is quite sad.

Отговор : They should not have gone there. They should have gone to dubai.

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